Sunday, January 13, 2008

JRiver Media Center

As I noted in my last posting, I have been testing sofware based Media Servers at home. I got J-River Media Center installed, and eventually I got it to show up in WMP9. Unfortunately, soon after Twonky was not available in WMP9... likely they are running into each other.

Concurrently, JRiver, without prompting, started playing randomly as a Media Player (like WMP).... Concurrently but the client access via WMP was very difficult.

Still, on the Server, J-River has very different interface.. lots and lots of choices, fast, smooth, really cool, but all the while it was not really configurable in the first 15 miniutes.

On the Down side, the server gives much slower response on WMP, which seems to indicate the server itself is slow. It is seemingly still loading.

Definitely some issues here... (interlude)... ended up stopping the J-River server and going back to Twonky and WMP w/ On2Share... Too bad... I really like the interface and the "client" side of things.

Impression #1: J River Media Center is a very nice interface and is probably the best STAND ALONE system I have seen. Seems to integrate everything from I-Tunes, WMP, Twonky and even On2Pro, in that it is both a Server and a Client.

That said, it probably wants to work SOLO!!

As a server it did not serve very well yet.
As a Client, it took over WMP till I shut it off.

All the while, now JRiver is off.
WMP is somewhat more Active.
Twonky is somewhat unruly, but I can play the songs and I don't need to look at the Twonky interface itself very much. (It is buried in lots of NAS players I understand).

Will have to look at alternatives to On2Share as a control point... It works for now. Better pay up after my 2 days test.

Like I said, back to those other projects.

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