Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dot Net installs as part of Program installs has got to Go

The last time I loaded a program that required Microsoft's .NET framework my boot drive was corrupted. Here I am again trying to install the program and it is taking Forever and I am nervous whether, again, it will corrupt my XP system.

Java here and there is bad enough but this is a veritable Rainforest of Code that is loading, and just so I can get to a PogoPlug drive.. totally inappropriate programming technique. I don't understand that PogoPlug can have a Mac, Windows and Linux version of their software and they have to use .NET on the Windows install.

There are other irritations but this is really a big one for me!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Trying to give the Postal Service money seems not enough for them.. simply wanting to provide quotes for postage

We use a very popular "open source" E-Commerce system called Magento. Magento is now owned by Ebay and though community supported it is also commercially supported in no small way.

For using FedEx all we need to do is put our account number in the back end administration panel and be sure that products have a weight assigned to them and shipping quotes and costs are provided in Magento.

So, some of the things we ship are small and the most affordable way to deliver them to customers is via the postal service. However, if we want to "enable" the "built in" USPS package we have to first "register" with USPS as a developer, then go through a series of very arcane tests of our system that are designed for people actually "coding" a system rather than just implementing the system. On their confirmation email we get, among a whole bunch of "you shalls" a User ID, Password, Phone number to call and Email address to send communications to.

They say that emails will be responded to (they don't say when)... I am 3 days now into waiting, and have sent 2 follow up emails. The Phone number provided is not answered even though the hours given are 7:00AM to 11:00PM Eastern Time.

Really I am just trying to provide shipping quotes. It seems our Postal Service is in need of more revenue. That said, they sure don't want to have it be easy for their customers to give it to them.

And on top of all this, they state, in no uncertain terms:

The Web Tools User ID provided is for you and your company to use when requesting data via the Internet from the U.S. Postal Service API servers. This unique User ID cannot be shared with others outside your organization, nor is it to be packaged and distributed or sold to other individuals, businesses or e-commerce web site entities.

It sure is a pity for the poor service provider whos business it is to help companies set systems set up.. they will need to repeat this process every time a new system is set up.

I suppose I am also curious why the email does not actually come from the Postal Service, but comes from "" and asks that emails be sent to "" ... Outsourcing to No End.